Amstrad PowerPage 64

Created on: 07-05-2019  By Gee
I'd seen a while back about desktop publishing software that ran on the CPC range of computers and it made me want to have a go.
At Christmas I was gifted an Amstrad Action cover tape that had lemmings and a few other things on it. One of the few other things was PowerPage 64k version. I never really thought about it much as I was only in the possession of 464 computers and not a 6128 (I owned one but it wasn't with me at the time) and PowerPage required a disc drive to copy the data over to and then run from there.
If we fast forward to last week, My cpc 6128 was dropped off by a mate along with my two colour monitors. I set the 6128 up and had a little play about to check it over. I then set up the cassette input (as I had b... Read More!

New Datacorder Keys

Created on: 08-04-2019  By Gee
My second CPC 464 was bought with the knowledge that the keys on the datacorder were mostly bust. I wanted to find out a way of making some new ones and thought of all different kinds of ways, Including making some out of wood! That would've looked awesome I think, but I have no wood working skills what so ever. So it'd take me forever just to learn woodworking.
This was until I got my 3d printer. Then that was a simple easy option. I took one of the original, still in tact keys and measured it out. I then drew it up in CAD and printed a couple out. The way that I had the printer make them made them come out rather awful looking on one side, so I had to have it print upright in a way that took longer, but once it came out it looked m... Read More!

GT65 Monochrome Monitor

Created on: 05-02-2019  By Gee
Back in the 90's the family computer was an Amstrad cpc 6128 with a monochrome green screen GT65 monitor.
Since I started getting back into Amstrads I've been looking for one of these monitors again and I found a few in all sorts of different locations. Mostly in England and a few in Wales. Also find them in Germany and France, but never any really in Scotland.
That is until last week when one came up for sale in Edinburgh. I felt that the £30 asking price was a little higher than usual (I've seen them being given away or being sold for £10) but I wasn't too fussed as I knew that if I bought one from England, the couriers would probably destroy it on its way to me and the delivery charge would end up being the same overall.... Read More!

Oh another cpc464

Created on: 31-12-2018  By Gee
A while back I found and bought another cpc464 on eBay that was needing some TLC whilst I was looking for a machine for modifying. One that I wouldn't feel bad about drilling holes into the case for an audio input jack.
The buttons for the cassette deck are broken and will need replacing. I'd like to make the buttons myself, but I'm not sure what to make them out of yet. Or how to make them.
I was very close to buying a German amstrad (not Schneider) that was close by but decided against buying yet another 464 just for the sake of it. If I do get a German one, it'll be a Schneider one as I believe there are some pin layouts that are slightly different somewhere (in the 6128 the disk drive ribbon is the change I think, but I'll... Read More!